Nurse Training & Courses
Mediserve understands the importance of ongoing staff development. Staff development has a direct effect
on the quality of care provided to the general public, as well as the professionalism and job satisfaction of our nurses.
To ensure staff provided to facilities are always well trained, Mediserve provides them with the necessary support to undertake ongoing professional development courses. At Mediserve, we are committed to investing in our staff's development and training, and we take pride in our record of either fully or significantly funding all training for our employees.
Mediserve also has an established Indigenous Nurse Training Scholarship with Curtin University in Perth. We pay the full cost of all fees and books for one Indigenous student.
Please contact the nearest Mediserve office should you wish to obtain assistance for a particular course. In addition, Mediserve organises regular courses in CPR, manual handling, fire & safety, and aggression management.
Occupational Health and Safety
The health and safety of every member of our team is of utmost concern to us. Mediserve, the host employers, and our nursing staff all share the responsibility of maintaining a safe work environment, and we work hard to fulfill this obligation.
We ensure that all mandatory competencies are completed and maintained by our staff. Mandatory training courses are arranged and paid for by Mediserve and we also provide a Mediserve Occupational Safety & Health Manual to all staff.
Staff are required to attend an orientation session in their workplace. All identified hazards are recorded on Mediserve’s Hazard Reporting Forms located in the OSH Manual. These hazards are then followed up with the respective facilities to ensure that they are isolated or removed prior to our staff resuming work.
Please contact the nearest Mediserve office should you wish to discuss or report any Occupational Safety and Health matters. Mediserve’s OSH Manual provides documentation, safety procedures, and guidance on responsibilities.